Leaves of Absences
Colorado College is here to help support you as you are dealing with a situation that requires a leave of absence from your job. This information is designed to provide information and help you think through some of the required steps to taking a leave of absence. If you have additional questions after reading this information, please contact The Hartford and/or the CC Benefits Manager (contact information contained herein).
Requesting a leave of absence
Make A Claim
If you believe that your need for leave will be eligible under the Colorado Paid Family Medical Leave (CO PFML), Federal Medical Leave (FML), CC’s self-funded Short-Term Disability Program or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), your may file a claim with the Hartford.
The Hartford
Claims Tel: 888-301-5615 (M-F; 6:00 – 6:00 Mountain)
Claims Employee portal: http://abilityadvantage.thehartford.com
CC Benefits Manager: elujan@annccb.com / 719-389-6104
We also have a list of Frequently Asked Questions for the FAMLI/COPFML leaves that might be helpful.
Please make your claim as soon as you know you will need leave, and at least 30 days in advance if possible. The Hartford will require that you return documentation within specific timeframes, and we want to ensure that yours is received timely so your pay continues.
Notify your supervisor of the days you need to be away from work. You do not need to share details for the reasons you are on leave.
If your claim is approved prior to your first day away, call The Hartford and let them know your first day out.
If you will be out for a continuous period, add an ‘out of office’ message to your phone and email indicating your return date and who to contact in the interim.
If you approve timesheets or leave reports, work with your supervisor to ensure they will be approved while you are away. If your leave is unanticipated and immediate, be sure to let your supervisor know as soon as possible so some of these arrangement may be made for you. You can set up a proxy to approve in your absence (instructions here: http://vcyw.annccb.com/offices/controller/documents/Proxy%20set-up%20instructions.pdf)
Your benefits will continue while you are on a paid leave of absence. If you are on an approved leave of absence during our annual benefits open enrollment (during May for changes effective July 1) you are still entitled to make changes to your benefits during that open enrollment period.
Remember that we have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) should you want to speak with a counselor or need assistance finding local services. Contact them at Guidance Resources, Tel: 800.272.7255/TDD: 800.697.0353 Web: guidanceresources.com (web ID: COM589)
Time and Recordkeeping
The Hartford will let you know the leaves for which you are eligible, you will need to supply documentation, and then The Hartford will approve or deny your claim within 5 days of your first day out. Staff waiting for approval should log leave on their timesheets/leave reports as CO Fam. Med. If your leave is later denied, CC will change that time from CO Fam. Med to sick or vacation (as appropriate).
If you are approved for a single, continuous leave, you have the option to complete your timesheet/leave report yourself; or HR can do it on your behalf. Please let the Benefits Manager (Gina Lujan) know if you will complete your own or if you would like us to. If doing it yourself you will code your time to CO Fam. Med.
If you are on an approved intermittent leave, we need you to complete your timesheet/leave report yourself, logging the hours you are out as “COPFML”. You must also contact the Hartford each time you are out on the intermittent leave so they track it against your leave entitlements.
Pay During Leave
The college will continue your pay at 100% over regular payroll periods if you are on an approved CO PFML or Short-term Disability Leave. If your leave is approved only for unpaid FML you may use your sick and/or vacation time to continue pay during your leave. Please log sick/vacation appropriately on your timesheet or leave report.
Return to Work
You must call The Hartford and your supervisor before the day you return to work. The Hartford will also check in before your anticipated return date to confirm.
If your leave is for your own serious health condition you will need a note from your medical provider clearing you to return to work. If you have any work restrictions the note should detail those restrictions.
If Your Claim is Denied
You may file one appeal with The Hartford and/or you may file an appeal directly to the State FAMLI Division. Information on appeal processes will be provided with any claims denials (other than a denial due to an employee not providing required documentation).
College Leave Policies
The College’s Health & Safety (Sick) Leave Policy, Colorado PFML Policy, and Family Medical Leave Policy may be found here: http://vcyw.annccb.com/basics/welcome/leadership/policies/a-z-list.html
We realize this may likely be a difficult time for you and there are a lot of changes to our leave options and processes. Please feel free to reach out to CC’s Human Resources if there are ways we can help. Contact the Benefits Manager at the contact information listed above.
Please note that The Hartford may share this informational document with you when you make a claim for leave.