FAMLI/COPFML Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make a claim?
Contact The Hartford to request leave under FMLA, COPFML (FAMLI), Short- or Long-Term Disability. You may reach The Hartford at:
Telephonic Claim: 888-301-5615 (6AM-6PM Mon-Fri)
Online Claim: http://abilityadvantage.thehartford.com (24/7)
Should I make my claim via telephone or portal?
You may make your claim either way, but by telephone may be faster. When you make your claim, The Hartford is considering every leave available for which you may be eligible. For example, if you make a claim for family leave because you are having a baby or taking care of a family member they will consider both unpaid FML and paid COPFML and assign a claim number to each claim (even though it’s really the same leave). You could be eligible for them both, or eligible for one and not the other so it’s important to read any correspondence from The Hartford carefully to ensure you know which portion is being approved/denied.
What happens after I made a claim with The Hartford?
- You will receive a letter from The Hartford acknowledging your request, requesting certification, explaining how and by what date to submit the certification, assigning a claim number and providing information on leaves for which you are eligible.
- You will receive a letter for each type of leave that may apply (federal unpaid family medical leave, state paid family medical or family leave, and/or short-term disability) and each type will have its own claim number.
- Once you submit the certification documentation (for example, the letter from your medical provider) The Hartford will review your claim.
- You should call (or have someone else call) The Hartford the day before you are due to go out on leave confirming that you are going on leave as well as the day you return from leave so The Hartford can close that leave claim.
- Your claim will remain in a ‘pending’ status on the portal until near the time your leave is set to begin. At that point you will receive notification from The Hartford that your leave is approved/denied.
- Staff who must take leave and don’t yet have approval should mark their time away as CO Fam Med on their timesheets/leave reports. If the leave is later denied, it will be reclassified as sick/vacation as appropriate.
Should I look at the portal if I made a telephonic claim?
It’s a good idea to look at your claims on the portal. That way you see where each one is (pending, approved, denied). If The Hartford is waiting on documents from you, you are able to upload them to the portal. You can also see your claims representative in each case and are able to open a chat with that claims representative or schedule an appointment to speak with them. Shortly after your claim is made the portal will have a short video to help you understand the process.
I made a claim for my own serious health condition and received three claim numbers. Why?
When you make a claim for leave for your own serious health condition, for example a surgery, you may receive three claim numbers: one for unpaid FML, one for short-term disability (which would be important if your leave lasted longer than 12-16 weeks) and one for COPFML (which may be called Short-Term Disability Statutory on The Hartford Portal). You could be eligible for all three, which would be running concurrently or you could be eligible for any combination of the three. It is important to read any correspondence from The Hartford carefully to ensure you know which portion is being approved/denied.
What if I’m out on leave and realize that I won’t be able to return on the date approved as my last day of leave?
If you are unable to return on the day you had planned, call The Hartford and request an extension. This is likely to require additional certification documentation.
I have a minor illness that likely wouldn’t qualify for COPFML. Do I have to contact The Hartford?
If you have a minor, short-term need for leave (could be illness, safe leave, bereavement, anything included under the Health & Safety Leave Policy) you just let your supervisor know and mark the time on your timesheet if hourly or leave report if exempt. However, if the leave might qualify for FML or COPFML, it’s a good idea to contact The Hartford. If COPFML is approved you would not have to use your sick/vacation leave.
My leave is approved for COPFML and FML. How do I mark that on my timesheet/leave report?
Hourly employees mark the time away from work as “CO Fam. Med. Leave” on timesheets and exempt employees mark the time as “CO Fam. Med. – Exempt” on leave reports. If you are out for a continuous leave that runs longer than a single pay period and would like HR to mark your time away for you, please contact Gina Lujan (elujan@annccb.com or 719-389-6104).
My time is not yet approved for COPFML. Should I mark that as CO Fam. Med. on my leave report?
Yes, if you have made a leave request to The Hartford and don’t have an approval/denial prior to your first day away you may mark that as CO Fam. Med on your timesheet/leave report. However, if the leave is later denied that time will be recharacterized and pulled from your sick/vacation leave balance as appropriate.
Are student employees eligible for COPFML leave?
Yes. Students who believe they have a COPFML leave event should file a claim with The Hartford, who will let them know whether or not they are eligible for COPFML leave. If they are not eligible, they may use Health & Safety Leave (marked sick leave on their timesheet) after notifying their supervisor. See policy for reasons to use Health & Safety Leave.
I will welcome a new child this year (birth, adoption, foster care). I understand that I may take 12 weeks of paid leave under COPFML. May I use that time intermittently or do I have to use it all at once?
You may use paid family leave approved as COPFML in a single block or intermittently. Apply for the leave through The Hartford.
I became a new parent in 2023 (through birth, adoption, etc.) and took leave in 2023. May I take additional leave under COPFML in 2024?
If you added a child through birth, adoption, foster within the last 12 months you may take up to 12 weeks of paid leave under COPFML as long the leave begins and ends within 12 months of the birth. This is true even if you took time off for the birth/adoption/foster in 2023. This is a special window available this one time only as COPFML was not available in 2023 but is available in 2024.